Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Borges and libraries

The Borges Cultural Centre is on the top floor of the GalerĂ­a Pacifico in the centre of Buenos Aires. It's a space for concerts, exhibitions and the Escuela Argentina de Tango. I noticed this piece from Jorge Luis Borges, Argentina's great literary luminary and Librarian of the National Library of Aregentina (how often does that happen in Australia or anywhere else for that matter?), etched into the ceiling of one of the levels. I discovered that it's an excerpt from his 'Poema de los Dones' (1959) and translates as 'I, who had always thought of Paradise in form and image as a library'. Nice. Also ironic, as the poem is about recieving the gift of books at the same time he was going blind. The full text of the poem, together with a recording by Borges himself, can be found at the PalabraVirtual site.

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Piet said...
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