The entry is quite dry, and cries out for some extra colour and flavour. I decided it needed some extra information about the architecture, so have added details about the accolades received by the architects for their wonderful refurbishment of the building, and given some suggestions for further reading in the architectural press. I've also added the bit about offering a free reference service at the top of the list under 'Services', given that that's what I've spent the good part of my adult life doing. We all know that Wikipedia's strength lies with the collaborative power of volunteer editors who are passionate and knowlegeable about their subject, but that we musn't refer people to it on account of its 'untrustworthiness' as a source. Here we have an opportunity to create an entry that puts the lie to that notion.
I notice the Wikipedia entry for the British Library has some topics that could be adopted to enhance the entry for SLQ - Highlights of the Collection, Legal deposit, Exhibitions and Newspapers. Any takers?